Guide to Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation with U-Net in PyTorch
Learning Image Segmentation with U-Net in Pytorch
Learning Image Segmentation with U-Net in Pytorch
In this tutorial we will learn how to master a Bipedal Walker with PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization).
Second Part we will learn about the major components PPO for ai agent.
This is first of two part tutorial. Here we learn to build snake game. In part two, we will learn to build a PPO agent to play with it.
In this blog post, we will explore the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm. We’ll compare it to other deep reinforcement learning algorithms like Double Deep Q-learning and TRPO. Additionally, we’ll learn how to implement PPO using PyTorch.
Introduction of Prioritized Experience Replay and its implementation with PyTorch.
In this article we will learn how to use MySql with Django. Operating system used in this process in Ubuntu 22.04.
In this blog, we will learn how visualize data by combining the chart.js with Django. For this we will continue with our Django project from last post.
In Django Admin Customization we will look various ways to customize the admin panel of Django. We will also look how to add custom filters, how to use 3rd party packages to search and style. We will learn how to import and export our data and many more.
In this Django RESTful API we will learn to create a RESTful API with Django. Here we will Create, Read, Update and Delete posts using RESTful API. We will use the POSTMAN to test our API.
In this fifth part of Django E-Learning Platform we will learn how to use the Django cache framework and use the Memcached and Redis cache backends for our project.
In the fourth part of Django E-learning Platform, we are going to build the functionality to access course contents, create a student registration system and manage student enrollment onto courses.
In the third part of “Django e-learning platform” we will learn to sort modules and contents of our courses with the help of features of HTML5, JS and AJAX.
In this part, of Blog App in Django we will use bootstrap.
In part four we add some restrictions to our Blog application.
In this part of Django E-learning platform, we will learn how to add CRUD operations for course, modules and contents.
The first part of our Django E-learning platform, where we will create necessary models for our e-learning platform and implement authentication models.
The default database for Django is sqlite. Here, we will learn how to migrate from sqllite to postgresql.
In this part we will learn to edit the admin site of Django and add an option to exports the orders as csv files. We will also learn to use WeasyPrint to create pdf files dynamically.
When a shopping cart is checked out, we need to save an order in the database. Orders will contain information about customers and the products they are buying.