Exploration vs Exploitation

A colony of bees knows a garden of roses nearby. This garden is their primary source of nectar and pollen. There might be another garden far from their hive which might contain a variety of flowers. Going to that garden demands a lot of time and energy. Should this colony of bees continue bringing nectar and pollen from nearby rose […]

Frozen Lake meets Value Iteration

The Frozen Lake This lake has a 4×4 grid of total 16 states. # Frozen Lake Gridworld: It is highly stochastic environment (33.33% action success, 66.66% split evenly in right angles) It contains 4×4 grid, 16 states (0-15) The agent gets +1 for landing in state 15 (right bottom corner) 0 otherwise The states 5, 7, 11, and 12 are […]