Chart.js with Django
In this blog, we will learn how visualize data by combining the chart.js with Django. For this we will continue with our Django project from last post.
In this blog, we will learn how visualize data by combining the chart.js with Django. For this we will continue with our Django project from last post.
In the third part of “Django e-learning platform” we will learn to sort modules and contents of our courses with the help of features of HTML5, JS and AJAX.
In part I, we had only two options: Rotate and Transpose. In second part, we will add two drop down lists and other options so that the user can choose between many filters to process the image. Table of Contents List of Filters We have three types of filters. Within Basic we want user to choose between following options. For […]
A flask based web application to build resume. This web application uses javascript to generate dynamic forms and jinja to send data to html files.
Regular expressions, also known as regex, are simply ways to describe text patterns. Regex can be very useful in many situations, for example when you need to look for errors in a large file or retrieve the browser agent a user is using. They can also be used for form validation, as with regex you can specify valid patterns for field entries such as email addresses or phone numbers.
This article covers use of Regex in JavaScript
A function is a block of code that performs a task. It can be called and reused multiple times. You can pass information to a function and it can send information back.
Table of Contents break continue break and labeled blocks break will stop the loop and move on to the code below the loop. continue will stop the current iteration and move back to the top of the loop, checking the condition (or in the case of a for loop, performing the statement and then checking the condition). break In the following code, we […]
An introductory tutorial about various looping techniques in JavaScript.
Introduction to conditional statements in JavaScript.
They are like a dictionary in Python. This tutorial covers basic of JavaScript objects and how they go together with arrays.
A simple webpage about arrays and related function in JavaScript.
An article about the basics of object oriented programming in JavaScript.
This article covers classes, objects, methods, prototypes etc.