Django Admin Customization

In Django Admin Customization we will look various ways to customize the admin panel of Django. We will also look how to add custom filters, how to use 3rd party packages to search and style. We will learn how to import and export our data and many more.

Django RESTful API

In this Django RESTful API we will learn to create a RESTful API with Django. Here we will Create, Read, Update and Delete posts using RESTful API. We will use the POSTMAN to test our API.

CRUD with Django and Ajax

In this post we will learn to CRUD with Django and Ajax. Ajax will help to submit the Django forms without the page being refreshed. We will also learn to display, edit and delete content with refreshing the page.

Online Shop With Django Part II

We will build a shopping cart. We will create a class for cart. We will build additional features so that user can add several quantities of different items to the cart. User can update quantities to cart or remove the item completely. We will also use a context processor to show total items in our cart and their total cost.

Online Shop With Django Part I

We will learn how to create a web application for online shopping.
In this first part we will do basic installation. Then create models for product and catalog. Then register the models to admin site. After the we will build views and templates. At the end of this part we will add css.

Blog for Poems in Django Part III

In this blog post, we will learn how to create tags for a post using django-taggit. Then we will learn to retrieve posts by similarity.We will also learn to generate latest posts and most commented posts. At the end we will learn to use markdown in Django.