Double Deep Q-Network

Double Deep Q-Network

In double DQNs, we use a separate network to estimate the target rather than the prediction network. The separate network has the same structure as the prediction network. And its weights are fixed for every T episode (T is a hyperparameter we can tune), which means they are only updated after every T episode. The update is simply done by copying the weights of the prediction network. In this way, the target function is fixed for a while, which results in a more stable training process.

Mathematically, double DQNs are trained to minimize the following error term:

    \[  \delta = r + \gamma max_{a'} Q_T(s')  - Q(s) \]

Here, s’ is the resulting state after taking action, a, in state s; r is the associated reward; α is the learning rate; and γ is the discount factor. Also,Q_T is the function for the target network, and Q is the function for the prediction network.

Importing Basic Libraries

#Import the library
import gym
import torch
from collections import deque
import random
import copy
from torch.autograd import Variable

Make the environment

#connecting python script to gpu
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
env = gym.envs.make("MountainCar-v0")

Class for Deep Q Network with target network along with experience replay

class DQN():
    def __init__(self, n_state, n_action, n_hidden=50, lr=0.05):
        self.criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss()
        self.model = torch.nn.Sequential(
                        torch.nn.Linear(n_state, n_hidden),
                        torch.nn.Linear(n_hidden, n_hidden),
                        torch.nn.Linear(n_hidden, n_action)

        self.model_target = copy.deepcopy(self.model)

        self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr)

    def update(self, s, y):
        Update the weights of the DQN given a training sample
        @param s: state
        @param y: target value
        y_pred = self.model(torch.Tensor(s))
        loss = self.criterion(y_pred, Variable(torch.Tensor(y)))

    def predict(self, s):
        Compute the Q values of the state for all actions using the learning model
        @param s: input state
        @return: Q values of the state for all actions
        with torch.no_grad():
            return self.model(torch.Tensor(s))

    def target_predict(self, s):
        Compute the Q values of the state for all actions using the target network
        @param s: input state
        @return: targeted Q values of the state for all actions
        with torch.no_grad():
            return self.model_target(torch.Tensor(s))

    def replay(self, memory, replay_size, gamma):
        Experience replay with target network
        @param memory: a list of experience
        @param replay_size: the number of samples we use to update the model each time
        @param gamma: the discount factor
        if len(memory) >= replay_size:
            replay_data = random.sample(memory, replay_size)

            states = []
            td_targets = []
            for state, action, next_state, reward, is_done in replay_data:
                q_values = self.predict(state).tolist()
                if is_done:
                    q_values[action] = reward
                    q_values_next = self.target_predict(next_state).detach()

                    q_values[action] = reward + gamma * torch.max(q_values_next).item()


            self.update(states, td_targets)

    def copy_target(self):

The Function for Epsilon Greedy Policy

def gen_epsilon_greedy_policy(estimator, epsilon, n_action):
    def policy_function(state):
        if random.random() < epsilon:
            return random.randint(0, n_action - 1)
            q_values = estimator.predict(state)
            return torch.argmax(q_values).item()
    return policy_function

The deep Q Learning Function

def q_learning(env, estimator, n_episode, replay_size, target_update=10, gamma=1.0, epsilon=0.1,epsilon_decay=.99):
    Deep Q-Learning using double DQN, with experience replay
    @param env: Gym environment
    @param estimator: DQN object
    @param replay_size: number of samples we use to update the model each time
    @param target_update: number of episodes before updating the target network
    @param n_episode: number of episodes
    @param gamma: the discount factor
    @param epsilon: parameter for epsilon_greedy
    @param epsilon_decay: epsilon decreasing factor
    count = 0
    for episode in range(n_episode):

        if episode % target_update == 0:

        policy = gen_epsilon_greedy_policy(estimator, epsilon, n_action)
        state = env.reset()
        is_done = False

        while not is_done:

            action = policy(state)
            next_state, reward, is_done, _ = env.step(action)

            total_reward_episode[episode] += reward


            memory.append((state, action, next_state, reward, is_done))

            if is_done:

            estimator.replay(memory, replay_size, gamma)

            state = next_state

        print('Episode: {}, total reward: {}, epsilon: {}'.format(episode, total_reward_episode[episode], epsilon))
        if(total_reward_episode[episode] > -200):
          count = count +  1

        epsilon = max(epsilon * epsilon_decay, 0.01)

Parameters and hyperparameters

n_state = env.observation_space.shape[0]
n_action = env.action_space.n
n_hidden = 50
lr = 0.01

Instantiation of the DQN object

dqn = DQN(n_state, n_action, n_hidden, lr)
memory = deque(maxlen=10000)
n_episode = 2000
replay_size = 20
target_update = 10
total_reward_episode = [0] * n_episode
total_reward = []

Calling the Q learning Function

q_learning(env, dqn, n_episode, replay_size, target_update, gamma=1, epsilon=0.1)

Here, out of 2000 episodes the agent was able to complete its task in 1026 episodes.

Plotting the rewards over time

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.title('Episode reward over time')
plt.ylabel('Total reward')

Testing the trained agent

episodes = 1000
total_reward = []
count = 0
for episode in range(episodes):
  #Using the trained estimator to run one episode of the MountainCar
  state = env.reset()
  is_done = False
  total_reward_episode = 0
  while not is_done:
    q_values = dqn.predict(state)
    best_action = torch.argmax(q_values).item()
    next_state, reward, is_done, _ = env.step(best_action)
    state = next_state
    total_reward_episode += reward

  if(total_reward_episode > -200):
    count = count + 1

The trained agent was successful to complete the task in 682 episodes out of 1000 episodes.

The average score of trained agent is -152.827

Saving the DQN object for future use

import pickle
def save_object(obj, filename):
    with open(filename, 'wb') as outp:
        pickle.dump(obj, outp, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
save_object(dqn, 'double_dqn_colab.pkl')

Loading the trained object and putting it in action

file_to_read = open("double_dqn_colab.pkl", "rb")
loaded_DQN = pickle.load(file_to_read)
state = env.reset()
is_done = False
total_reward_episode = 0
while not is_done:
    q_values = loaded_DQN.predict(state)
    best_action = torch.argmax(q_values).item()
    next_state, reward, is_done, _ = env.step(best_action)
    state = next_state
    total_reward_episode += reward