Blog App in Django Part V
In this part, of Blog App in Django we will use bootstrap.
In this part, of Blog App in Django we will use bootstrap.
In part four we add some restrictions to our Blog application.
In this part of Django E-learning platform, we will learn how to add CRUD operations for course, modules and contents.
The first part of our Django E-learning platform, where we will create necessary models for our e-learning platform and implement authentication models.
In this post we will learn to CRUD with Django and Ajax. Ajax will help to submit the Django forms without the page being refreshed. We will also learn to display, edit and delete content with refreshing the page.
The default database for Django is sqlite. Here, we will learn how to migrate from sqllite to postgresql.
In this part we will learn to edit the admin site of Django and add an option to exports the orders as csv files. We will also learn to use WeasyPrint to create pdf files dynamically.
When a shopping cart is checked out, we need to save an order in the database. Orders will contain information about customers and the products they are buying.
We will build a shopping cart. We will create a class for cart. We will build additional features so that user can add several quantities of different items to the cart. User can update quantities to cart or remove the item completely. We will also use a context processor to show total items in our cart and their total cost.
We will learn how to create a web application for online shopping.
In this first part we will do basic installation. Then create models for product and catalog. Then register the models to admin site. After the we will build views and templates. At the end of this part we will add css.
In this blog post we will learn to migrate Django project from SQLite database to PostgreSQL.
In this blog post, we will learn how to create tags for a post using django-taggit. Then we will learn to retrieve posts by similarity.We will also learn to generate latest posts and most commented posts. At the end we will learn to use markdown in Django.
In this post we will learn to get the url of the page using reverse(). Then we will also look at how to create customized urls according to the date and slug of the post. After that we will learn to add pagination and use the class based views. Finally, we will create a comment system, so that one can post the comments and see previous comments.
In this blog post, we will learn how to create a basic blog application with Django. This blog post includes, creation of models, views, urls and templates along with the creation of super user.
Adding the user to imageEnhance model
Implementing signup, login and logout.
Limiting the access to features of web application for loggedin users only.
In this part we will add the pagination in our home page.
In this part, we finally create three modules for image processing. We also add method to handle all the image processing functions for our ImangEnhance class. Finally, we process our images according to the filter (process) selected by the user.
In part I, we had only two options: Rotate and Transpose. In second part, we will add two drop down lists and other options so that the user can choose between many filters to process the image. Table of Contents List of Filters We have three types of filters. Within Basic we want user to choose between following options. For […]
We are going to build an Django Image Processing Webapp. Here user can upload an image and apply several filters to the image.
In the first part we will learn, how to create a model for image. Then we will create a form to upload an image based on the model created. We will add two functionalities: Rotate and Transpose.